IT Staffing Services


IT Staffing Solutions

Our I.T staffing solutions helps with recruiting the most qualified technology candidates ensuring you secure one of the most important elements for success.

Skiltrek IT Solutions

No matter the industry in which you operate, you likely have information technology positions you need to fill, and you are not alone. Many professionals face this situation and don’t know where they should turn so that they can get the best people for the job. If you don’t know how to perform the IT jobs you need to fill, deciding whom you should hire won’t be an easy process. The good news is that you can let us take care of your IT staffing needs, and we promise to match you with experts who are right for your business.

Skiltrek can help!

We provide IT staffing services to the most innovative and difficult to recruit for industries including:

Health Care and Medical

Those working in the medical field find it next to impossible to hire competent IT staff to manage their systems and servers. Not only do the people they bring on board need to be experts in IT services, but they also need to know how to handle the sensitive information they will access each day.

If you work in the medical field and need trusted experts on whom you can rely, our recruiting team will match you with unbeatable candidates. Having these experts on your staff will let you improve your results and achieve peace of mind. We will do what it takes to find people who will meet your needs at every step.

Networking and Telecommunications

Almost all businesses have internal networks that staff members use to store data and work on projects. You can’t afford to take risks when your entire business depends on your network being active and free from problems.

Business leaders will often put advertisements in the newspaper when they are ready to bring network professionals onto their team, but that approach might not be the best. You will need to hold interviews and decide what person you should hire, and the wrong choice can cost a lot of money. Reaching out to our staffing service puts you in contact with a range of networking professionals who will be glad to help.

Network Security

Employee records, company secrets and customer data are just a few of the things you likely store on your network. A single network breach is all that it would take for criminals to access your data. Allowing attackers to steal data from your servers can destroy your reputation because people want to know that their information is safe from harm. Unless you are careful, criminals could get into your company files and use your ideas as their own. Turn to us for network security professionals who are passionate about what they do, and they will keep your network safe from the unthinkable.


Modern manufacturing plants have changed a lot in the past few decades. When you walk into one, you can see the computer systems that operate behind the curtain to keep everything running smoothly. These computers track inventory and let you know when you need to order supplies, but they can also store customer information and payment details. Our team can put you in touch with IT experts who specialize in manufacturing plants.


Rather than hiring a random person to manage your financial data, you must work with someone who understands the process and is willing to go the extra mile. Our staffing service will match you with IT experts who will do what it takes to get the job done.

Getting Started

If you want trained, dedicated and passionate IT professionals who won’t let you down, you have come to the right place. You can let us know the things for which you look when you bring people onto your team, and we will find employees and IT experts who stand out from the herd in a positive and powerful way. Give us a call if you have questions or concerns, and we will be happy to show you what we can do.

 We help our clients locate the best IT professionals with experience in:
  • Data Center Management
  • AI/ML
  • DevOps
  • Cloud Engineering / Migration
  • Product Engineering
  • Agile POD Teams
  • Custom Software Development
  • Managed Services
  • Onshore/Nearshore solutions
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Project Management
  • Asset Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Systems Integration
  • Systems Architecture
  • Network Administration
  • Database Administration
  • Network Engineering
  • Field Installation & Support
  • Network Operations Support
  • Help Desk Analysis & Support
  • Systems Administration
  • Network & Internet Security
  • Technical Writing

In today’s world, nearly any business that exists is going to need to have at least one – and likely several – IT professionals available who can handle their needs. Companies today often require those who can program, who can assist with the networking needs, make sure the computers and servers are functioning properly and that the business does not have any tech hiccups along the way.

While most companies realize they need to have these professionals as a part of their business, they do not always know how to go about hiring the right people for the job. This is often the case with companies who are trying to hire IT professionals directly.

The IT world can be quite confusing, and if those who are hiring do not understand how to do the job, it means that you could be hiring the wrong people for the positions you need to fill. It becomes very difficult to even interview for these positions because you do not know what you truly need, and you may not have the best IT salary guide to know what you should be paying these professionals. Even those who may have someone on staff capable of interviewing for these types of positions, it can still be very difficult to find the right people for the job.

Skiltrek is a quality IT executive search firm that can provide you with the help you need. We have the experience needed to help you find the best candidates to help with your IT needs; whether you are looking for someone who can provide you with programming or someone who can work as the database admin. Perhaps you need to have those who can develop apps for Android and the iPhone.

Some of the other areas where we can help include finding professionals for data management centers, big data analytics, systems administration, systems integration, systems architecture, and more. There are a range of reasons that you might need to have IT professionals working for your company. This just scratches the surface of how IT professionals might fit into your company.

Work With Quality IT Executive Search Firms

When it comes to properly staffing for your IT needs, you do not have to try to traverse the options on your own. No matter your need, we can help you. You need to look in the right places to find the best candidates, and that can often be difficult. Skiltrek can help those who are in medical and healthcare, network security, telecommunications, networking, manufacturing, and other fields.

Whether you need just one or two people to join your IT team, or you need to build the entire IT team, our staff will work to find you the best people for the jobs. We understand how to find those who have the experience and training needed for the types of jobs you have to fill, and we have the knowledge to help fill those positions quickly and efficiently.

Microsoft Dynamics | Salesforce | SAP HANA | ServiceNow | Hadoop | C++ | C# | Ruby on Rails | PHP | Python | IOS | JAVA | .NET | AngularJS | Tableau | Hyperion | Oracle | SQL | Mongo | NoSql  | Cassandra | CCIE | CCNP | CISCO | CISSP | Workday

A Reliable Name for IT Staffing Solutions

When it comes to quality IT staffing services, Skiltrek is one name that you can trust. Offering unmatched IT staffing services, Skiltrek’s dynamic team can help secure the most qualified candidates for your technology needs. Whether you need a database administrator or a programmer, we will make sure that you get qualified and experienced candidates that deliver results.