Staffing Administrative & Professional jobs in Jacksonville FL

Staffing Administrative & Professional jobs in Jacksonville FL

There are a variety of jobs that fall under the headings of Administrative and professional. Most of these jobs are performed in an office or home office environment. Under administrative jobs you will find executive assistant, executive secretary, legal secretary, office manager and similar positions. These jobs normally entail a good working knowledge of computer programs and good office etiquette. The term professionals when mentioned along with administrative, normally refer to jobs such as accountants, executive directors and directors of nonprofits. These types of jobs usually require a degree. They may require a bachelors or even a masters degree and these jobs are normally performed in an office environment.

The pay for administrative and professional jobs varies depending on the experience one brings to the job. Administrative positions can range in pay anywhere from 18k to approximately 40k a year. Again this greatly depends on the experience one brings to the position and the size of the company. Larger more established companies can pay a higher rate than the smaller nonprofit administrative jobs. The professional jobs in the administrative field can range in pay from around 20k to approximately 90k a year. Again, this greatly depends on the level of experience the applicant brings to the position and the type of company.

When seeking a job it is beneficial to have an agency help you. For staffing administrative & professional jobs in Jacksonville FL, Skiltrek can be of great service in finding the perfect position that matches your skills. Working with a professional staffing service can help take off a lot of pressure off the job seeker. The staffing service does all the work for you. They find the companies and organizations and form relationships with them. They are able to find out what the needs of the company or organization is along with what upcoming projects may be coming up. With all of this information, Skiltrek is able to build a partnership with these organizations and match the best possible candidate for the job.

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